Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA • September 4 – 7, 2024

Experience 4 days of innovative trans research.

Join us for the 2nd International Trans Studies Conference!

The conference theme, State of the Post-Discipline, invites trans studies scholars to reflect on the past, appraise the present, and map out visions for the future of our young field. How do we weave together the various threads of trans scholarship happening across the academy into one postdisciplinary field of “trans studies” that makes a difference in the world?

September 4 – 7, 2024

Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois, USA

Hosted by
The Center for Applied Transgender Studies

Jointly presented by
Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies
International Journal of Transgender Health
Transgender Health
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly


Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208


Upcoming deadlines

April 15, 2024

Abstract Submissions Due

May 15, 2024

Acceptance Notifications Sent

Check Submission Portal

July 1, 2024

Registration Deadline

Register Now!

July 15, 2024

Conference Program Published


I want to participate in the conference, but I’m not sure I can/want to attend in person. Is there a remote option?

Yes! We understand that people may have various reasons that they cannot or do not want to attend the conference in person, whether due to health concerns, funding constraints, travel logistics, family obligations, etc. Therefore, the 2nd International Trans Studies Conference will be a fully hybrid event. Specifically, we have partnered with Ex Ordo to offer a custom online conference platform (powered by Webex) that will allow virtual participants to fully participate in in-person conference sessions, whether as an audience member or as a presenter. Within the virtual conference environment, attendees will also be able to network in chat forums, peruse virtual sponsor exhibits, and navigate via an interactive online conference program.

I want to participate in the conference, but I require access accommodations. What accommodations will be made available?

Conference attendees may have a variety of access needs that can’t be accommodated with a one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to inform us of your specific needs when submitting your extended abstract through the conference’s online submission portal. We will then work to meet those individual needs. That said, we are currently preparing certain accommodations we already anticipate attendees needing. For example, we currently plan to provide a conference access guide, to arrange transportation from conference hotels to the main conference building, to offer live ASL interpretation during keynote and plenary sessions and live captioning during concurrent sessions, and to set aside designated quiet rooms away from the main conference area, among other accommodations.

I am traveling to the conference from outside of the United States. Will I need a visa and will the conference help me get one?

Citizens of many countries do not need a visa to travel to the United States due to the Visa Waiver Program, though they still require ESTA approval. For citizens of other countries, they must pay for a visa and undergo an interview and application process. Depending on your country of residence, this process can take several months and the conference can do nothing to influence the length of this process. Therefore, we recommend applying for a visa as soon as possible. If you will require a visa to attend the conference in person, you will have the opportunity to tell us so when submitting your extended abstract through the conference’s online submission portal. If you indicate needing a visa, we will provide you a personalized visa invitation letter to include in your visa application.

I’m excited for the conference! When will registration open?

Conference registration will open on May 15, 2024 after acceptance notifications are sent out to everyone who submitted extended abstracts. Registration will close on July 1, 2024.

I want to participate in the conference, but I’m not comfortable speaking English in professional settings. Is it possible to participate in another language?

Yes! While English will be the primary official language of the conference, participants will also be able to participate in Spanish, French, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian, and Arabic. All keynote and plenary sessions will be conducted in English with live simultaneous translation into the these other languages (as needed by registered attendees), and individual concurrent sessions will be conducted in various languages as suited to the composition of presenters. Additionally, individual concurrent sessions will feature live translated captioning in all of the listed languages (as needed by registered attendees).

I want to participate in the conference, but I have childcare needs that I worry might prevent me from attending. Will there be on-site childcare?

To make the conference more accessible for parents and guardians who must travel with their child dependents, we aim to offer subsidized on-site childcare during conference hours for those who need it. If you will require childcare to attend the conference in person, you will have the opportunity to tell us so when submitting your extended abstract through the conference’s online submission portal.

I want to participate in the conference, but I’m concerned about costs. How much will it cost to register for the conference and are there any discounts available?

The full registration fee has not yet been finalized. We are working diligent to secure further financial support to keep costs to attendees as low as possible. However, we do already know that conference registration fees will be assessed according to a tier system to make the conference more financially accessible. Specifically, the conference will employ a tiered fee structure following the United Nations model for A, B, and C countries, based on the World Bank’s indicators of Gross National Income. Attendees residing in Tier B countries will pay a lower registration fee than attendees residing in Tier A countries, and attendees residing in Tier C countries will pay a lower registration fee than both. Additionally, the conference will offer discounted rates for students and contingent workers, and virtual-only participants will pay a lower rate than in-person attendees.

The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing. What happens if the conference needs to go completely virtual?

We are closely monitoring a number of state, national, and international agencies to determine safety concerns and threat levels related to COVID-19 and other public health concerns. On the basis of the information we receive from these agencies, the conference Organizing Committee will alert registered attendees as early as possible if it becomes necessary to go completely virtual. Thankfully, the online conference platform that we selected to allow hybrid conference participation will be able to accommodate a shift to completely virtual attendance if necessary.